#12 - Duncan Humm talks diversity with deer

Duncan Humm in a cap hugging a deer with his chin resting on the deer's forehead and blue sky in the background.

Quorum Sense board member Duncan Humm talks about his fascination with deer, and the part they've played in teaching him the value of observation and diversity. Both are traits that have proven extremely useful as he learns to apply regenerative farming practices to the family farm.

From the early years as a teenager growing up on-farm in South Canterbury, to his more recent experiences with the Quorum Sense community, Duncan shares what he's seen and learned along the way. The impact on the way he now farms, and the inspiration he has to keep pushing forward, are obvious from this great conversation.

Enjoy the episode!

“This last winter was a cracker one, where we went from a drought one day and into a flood the next...the whole plant soaked up so much water and coped with that wet winter.

”Neighbours and people next door, they were ploughing paddocks to try and dry them out whereas we just trucked on. And then once we’d finished the paddocks we were just coming in with the direct drill straight away.”

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