#18 - Regenerative organic dairying with Janette & Carla Perrett

Janette & Carla Perett in a paddock in front of a tractor with a silage bale ready for feeding out, along with Carla's son and their dog.

Dairying team Janette and Carla Perrett discuss how regenerative organic has cut health costs, improved soil fertility and created deep connection with stock and land.

Mother and daughter dairy farming team Janette and Carla share how the shift to organic production has shaped their farming over the past 16 years. The drive for alternative solutions to support animal health and soil fertility has resulted in a regenerative approach that’s cut costs, improved well-being and created deep connection with their cattle and land.

They also touch into the challenges of being women in a male-dominated sector, particularly when forging a path that goes against established norms. From homeopathic remedies to brewing their own fertilisers, a never give up attitude and the courage to trust your gut instincts, it’s a wonderful and varied conversation.

Enjoy the episode!

β€œIt’s the love of the animals that kept me farming. I found that first, and then found the love of looking after the pasture, the soil, and everything just flows rather than fighting. It’s just natural and it just works.”

Disclaimer: The information, opinions and ideas presented in this content is for information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Any reliance on the content provided is done at your own risk. (click here to view full disclaimer).


#19 - In off the deep end with Michael Reilly


COLLECTION: Exploring regenerative viticulture