#6 - Going wild with Roger & Nicki Beattie

Nicki & Roger Beattie together above a coastline with trees in the background.

Farming entrepreneurs Roger and Nickie Beattie have been forging a unique path within New Zealand’s agricultural landscape for many years. From farming wild sheep to developing branded products, they’ve leveraged regenerative principles to create a business ecosystem that’s complex, yet also simple.

It’s a great conversation that touches on many aspects of the work they’ve done to establish their current businesses. Full of interesting insights and genuinely innovative approaches to farming, there’s no doubting the passion they both have for what they do.

Enjoy the episode!

"We’re the last country in the world to have browsing animals. So, we're moving now towards building, hospital paddocks [with] their multitude of end-users.

“So we've got a bit of forestry happening. We've got plants that are both edible and medicinal. They’re shade and shelter. They’re good for bees, the birds. So pollen and nectar, and for firewood.

“Ultimately, I think we'll get to probably a third of our farming operation will be in these multi-species trees, shrubs, grass areas."

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Quorum Exchange- Wairarapa. Ross Johnson, Sheep, beef and dairy grazing farmers


#5 - Global perspectives with Nicole Masters