#4 - Talking dairy with Mark Anderson

Mark Anderson in a cap and sunglasses facing the camera in front of a herd of dair cows in a pasture paddock.

South Otago dairy farmer Mark Anderson talks about his passion for the environment and the experiences – in New Zealand and overseas – that led him to begin exploring regenerative farming practices four years ago. These include seeing the impact of farming on the rivers that border his family's farm, recognising the unsustainability of Southland winter cropping practices, and hearing about changes in the oceans impacting his father-in-law's commercial fishing operations.

Mark also touches on the link between soil health, food quality and human health, with challenges to his own health adding to the drive to produce healthier food from healthier natural systems. With detail of the positive benefits on soil function, how Mark is monitoring progress, and the power of being supported by like-minded farmers, it's a conversation that covers a lot of ground.

Enjoy the episode!

β€œUnder this grazing management, we managed to increase soil organic matter by 5% in one year.

β€œOrganic matter is 58% carbon, so we're drawing a lot of excess CO2 out of the atmosphere.”

Disclaimer: The information, opinions and ideas presented in this content is for information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Any reliance on the content provided is done at your own risk. (click here to view full disclaimer).


Managing winter feed and nutrition - Pastoral Webinar Apr '21


Mark Anderson - South Otago, Ep1 dairy farming