Hamish Bielski - South Otago, Ep1 beef and sheep farming

Amy and Hamish Bielski are equity partners on a 300ha sheep and beef farm near Clinton, South Otago. Over the last four years they have worked with regenerative principles to create an increasingly diverse, low input system underpinned by a focus on adaptive, high density grazing management.
Join Quorum Sense visual storyteller Deane Parker on this overview of Hamish’s journey so far including the challenges, successes and potential for the future.
Early next year we will dive deeper into Hamish's grazing management approach, how it's evolved over time and the results he's observing.

In a subsequent episode Hamish will give an insight to how his grazing management works and the advantages he has observed. Due out early 2021

Disclaimer: The information, opinions and ideas presented in this content is for information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Any reliance on the content provided is done at your own risk. (click here to view full disclaimer).


Quorum Exchange December 2020- Richard Holdaway, Viticulture


SPICE Composting & 'Changing our concept of waste' - Webinar with Gerry Gillespie